A marketing bureau
to help regenerate Aotearoa.

Nau mai, haere mai.

We're a values-led, community-based marketing bureau designed for businesses building a better world. That's right, we started from scratch, designing our services, business and ecosystem specifically to support regenerative business practices. We're dam proud of it. And we'd love to share our creation with you.

Our story.

Nikki started Impact Digital to drive real-world change by helping impact-driven businesses get smarter about marketing. Initially this focussed on making the most of smart digital tools and techniques, such as web optimisation, SEO and analytics, with the theory that if you can measure it, you can improve it, but over the years has expanded out to broader marketing and communications activities.

Nikki works as a Marketing Consultant with expertise across digital, content and engagement. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Auckland, with majors in marketing and management and developed her approach through design thinking training. She is passionate about making space for wāhine and work that aligns with her values, while helping to regenerate her home, Tāmaki Makaurau. Outside of work she's usually at the dance studio, the theatre, or on an urban adventure.

View Nikki's profile on LinkedIn.

Our philosophy.

We believe we need to find new ways of working in order to create the drastic positive change we need to see in the world. That's why we operate a flexible, community-based studio model, with a focus on connecting and inspiring women and remote workers, design our services to be fit for impact businesses, and take a values-led approach to everything we do. We're creating the world we want to live in.

Our kaupapa.

We exist to do our best work, in a way that aligns with our values, and allows us to help create the world we want to live in - an Aotearoa where people and environment are healthy, connected and inspired. So we're on a mission to accelerate circular and regenerative businesses, make space for wāhine, and contribute to a vibrant, thriving Tāmaki Makaurau.

Our kaupapa aligns most strongly with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals 5 - Gender Equality, 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities, and 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production.

Our community.

And we have some amazing partners in these missions, including Manzana Creative Entrepreneurship Hub and Women in Urbanism Aotearoa.

When you work with us you're also supporting the development of these purpose-driven initiatives as we give back through impact support.

Our values.

We believe the way we work is key to creating a healthy, connected, thriving Aotearoa, so we actively seek out people and projects that can help create this by aligning with our values.

- Openness and communication
- Integrity in action
- Freedom of autonomy
- Collaboration with community
- Connection through nature
- Quality design